Исламская многофункциональная инвестиционная платформа

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Первая в РФ исламская инвестиционная платформа

Integration with the BRICS countries








South Africa



countries want to join BRICS, but haven't joined yet

About the Islamic Investment Platform

The Islamic investment platform is based on the principles of the Islamic financial system, which allows projects to receive investments


On the basis of partner financing, investments are provided for the implementation of joint projects through the formation of an appropriate Islamic instrument on the platform


On August 4, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on conducting a pilot project to introduce Islamic banking in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Dagestan and Chechnya. The platform intends to become a participant in the project and its outcome


The purpose of creating an Islamic investment platform is to provide a means of financing that allows investors and entrepreneurs to work in accordance with Sharia law and receive investments from investors in the Russian Federation, Middle East countries or investors from other countries intending to carry out activities based on partner financing

The stages of the platform's operation

Registration and verification

Complete a quick registration on the platform. Complete verification to confirm your identity and familiarize yourself with the risks of investing

Signing the contract

Sign a contract with the Platform Operator to get full access to investment opportunities

Adding funds to your account

Top up your nominal account on the platform for further investment

Choosing an investment

Explore the available investment offers and choose the ones that match your goals and interests


Accepting an investment offer using the convenient tools of the platform

Tracking investments

After transferring funds to the project, start tracking the progress and results of your investments through the platform

Registration and verification

Complete a quick registration on the platform. Complete verification to confirm your identity and familiarize yourself with the risks of investing

Signing the contract

Sign a contract with the Platform Operator to get full access to investment opportunities

Adding funds to your account

Top up your nominal account on the platform for further investment

Choosing an investment

Explore the available investment offers and choose the ones that match your goals and interests


Accepting an investment offer using the convenient tools of the platform

Tracking investments

After transferring funds to the project, start tracking the progress and results of your investments through the platform

The principle of operation of the Islamic investment platform


Types of financial instruments



Oil and gas production
Agricultural industr
And other...

Project Selection

A company or an individual presents a project that requires financing

Definition of financial instruments

The project selects the appropriate financial instruments of Islamic banking that will be used to raise funds

Attracting investments

Investors get to know the project and invest through the selected tools

Using the Blockchain

To ensure security and transparency in contractual relations, its own blockchain is used, in which contractual relations are prescribed

Islamic financial instruments

The Islamic multifunctional investment platform will use financial instruments that comply with the principles of Islamic banking. These instruments eliminate interest, excessive uncertainty and speculation, and ensure a fair distribution of risks and profits:


(Profit Partnership)

A partnership in which one party contributes capital and the other contributes labor and skills. The profit is divided according to a pre-agreed agreement. Ideal for startups and entrepreneurs who need capital, but who have the experience and skills to implement.


(Deal with a surcharge)

Sale of goods with a known extra charge. The seller buys the product at a known price and sells it to the buyer with a surcharge for a certain period of time. It is used to finance the purchase of goods or equipment. The terms of the deal are clearly defined, excluding uncertainty.


(joint venture)

A partnership where all parties contribute capital and share profits and losses in proportion to their contributions. It is suitable for larger projects where joint financing from several investors is required.


(Islamic Bonds)

Financial certificates representing a share in a rental asset, project, or partnership. They are used to raise capital for large projects, providing investors with a share in the income from assets or projects.

The feature of the platform is the identification of a real market (fair) project costs

To recapitalize invested companies, we use our own methodology, as a result of which the value of the company's assets is aligned with its investment potential

Investment potential


The cost of the company


Market valuation assets of the company

Unique solutions that are applied on the platform


"Pre-capitalization" of the company-the author of the posted project


Formation of liquid collateral assets for transfer to investors


Using our own blockchain and signing smart contracts


Contractual financing


The ability to make payments in any currency


The possibility of accepting cryptocurrency in the form of property


Formation of a project "digital consumer cooperative"


Multimodal showcase of a digital financial asset/utilitarian digital rights/hybrid


"Pre-capitalization" of the company-the author of the posted project


Formation of liquid collateral assets for transfer to investors


Using our own blockchain and signing smart contracts


Contractual financing


The ability to make payments in any currency


The possibility of accepting cryptocurrency in the form of property


Formation of a project "digital consumer cooperative"


Multimodal showcase of a digital financial asset/utilitarian digital rights/hybrid

Compliance of investment projects with Sharia law

The Islamic multifunctional investment platform, with the participation of the involved academic council, together with the Digital Rank partner service, checks companies attracting investments for compliance with Islam and the requirements of the financial market

Investment projects themselves are subject to a separate verification of compliance with Sharia norms

If necessary, we recommend companies that attract Islamic investments:

  • isolate the investment project
  • create a separate balance sheet to reflect it
  • open a separate bank account
  • and to carry out other actions that "separate" the investment project attracting Islamic investments from the rest of the Company's activities

Companies attracting Islamic investments, their investment projects, as well as expected results are checked in accordance with international standards AAOIFI and DFM, with subsequent reflection on the Platform


The Islamic multifunctional investment platform, with the participation of the involved academic council, together with the Digital Rank partner service, checks companies attracting investments for compliance with Islam and the requirements of the financial market


Investment projects themselves are subject to a separate verification of compliance with Sharia norms


If necessary, we recommend companies that attract Islamic investments:

  • isolate the investment project
  • create a separate balance sheet to reflect it
  • open a separate bank account
  • and to carry out other actions that "separate" the investment project attracting Islamic investments from the rest of the Company's activities


Companies attracting Islamic investments, their investment projects, as well as expected results are checked in accordance with international standards AAOIFI and DFM, with subsequent reflection on the Platform

Advantages of use and problems we are solving

Freedom of "foreign investment"* allows to expand the financial possibilities of projects and strengthens international cooperation

Launching investments from the Middle East:

IMIP provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs and projects to attract investments from the Middle East, which contributes to international investment and the development of the Russian economy

Using our own blockchain and smart contracts:

It provides a high level of transparency and security of operations, which strengthens the trust of participants. It also allows you to automate processes, improving the efficiency and reliability of financial transactions on the platform

Application of the features of the legal regulation of the SEZ (Special Economic Zone):

It provides entrepreneurs and companies with a source of financing that does not depend on restrictions and makes it possible to attract partner finances for any civil law transactions (supply of goods, provision of services, etc.)

Observance of Islamic principles:

IMIP provides an opportunity to invest and finance projects (other transactions) that comply with Islamic financial principles and Sharia law

* The decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on the establishment of a type "C" account regime for the purposes of fulfilling the obligations of a resident to a non-resident established in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2022 No. 95 "On the Temporary Procedure for Fulfilling obligations to certain foreign Creditors"

Expected results

One of the main results is an increase of the flow of free Islamic investments from both non-residents and retail investors in Russia

According to Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market of the Russian Federation, Muslims in Russia keep about 1 trillion rubles outside the banking system — with the advent of a specialized platform, this money will be able to work for the benefit of the Russian economy

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), together with partners from Saudi Arabia, plans to invest more than 1 trillion rubles in projects in Russia — partners will have a way to invest this money in accordance with the norms of Islam and without restrictions from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which helps to increase the financial flow from outside

The participants of the Dubai climate Summit agreed to abandon fossil fuels — diversification of investments in various projects is expected. The platform will be a convenient solution for this

Feedback form

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us. We will reply to you as soon as possible

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